
Late Winter Part 4: Love as an Inner Sanctuary

Welcome to the Yoga Church Sunday Sermons Late Winter 2020 | MEDITATIONS ON LOVE I have an important question for you: How do you talk to yourself in the privacy of your own mind? This week’s sermon explores the topic of self-love. In it, I share a bit about my own experience of painful self-judgement. I share how I was able to lower the volume on some of my damaging thought patterns, and I offer you a simple practice to transform your own mental habits of self-criticism (whatever form they come in). Love as an Inner ... (Continue Reading)

By |2022-07-18T14:54:08-07:00March 1st, 2020|Imbolc, Yoga Church Sunday Sermons|0 Comments

Late Winter Part 3: Love as the Practice of Attention

Welcome to the Yoga Church Sunday Sermons Late Winter 2020 | MEDITATIONS ON LOVE Can I be vulnerable and admit some embarrassing behavior? Last year—when I wrote the sermon I'm sharing with you today—I had to re-up my CPR certification. I was late to the class and sat down in the only available seat, quickly realizing I was next to the “strange” guy. It’d been the empty seat for a reason. My first reactions were judgement and envy. I was judging the man for being loud and missing the social cues of the moment. I was judging myself for ... (Continue Reading)

By |2022-07-18T14:53:30-07:00February 23rd, 2020|Imbolc, Yoga Church Sunday Sermons|1 Comment

Late Winter Part 2: Love & Sacrifice

Welcome to the Yoga Church Sunday Sermons Late Winter 2020 | MEDITATIONS ON LOVE Love is a word that means SO many different things in our culture. It can be utterly casual—almost to the point of meaninglessness. But it’s also a word powerful enough to change our lives. Sometimes it’s the word we deeply need to hear. Sometimes it’s the word we’re terrified to say. I know that we all need love. I know that we want to be loving people. And I think the vast majority of us are interested in learning how to expand our capacity to love. In order to ... (Continue Reading)

By |2022-07-18T14:52:42-07:00February 16th, 2020|Imbolc, Yoga Church Sunday Sermons|0 Comments

Late Winter Part 1: The Middle Ground Between Love & Contempt

Welcome to the Yoga Church Sunday Sermons Late Winter 2020 | MEDITATIONS ON LOVE After listening to the very first Yoga Church Sunday sermon called “Who, or what, is God?”, a Quaker friend of mine shared this comment: “As soon as you asked what opposites I feel in my life I thought of the command to love everyone and yet I find myself disliking our country’s leaders. Without getting political, how do we feel love towards someone who we don’t respect? For me this is a constant push and pull struggle. How do I reflect God’s love in my ... (Continue Reading)

By |2022-07-18T14:51:49-07:00February 9th, 2020|Imbolc, Yoga Church Sunday Sermons|0 Comments

Spiritual Practices for Imbolc

Welcome to the Yoga Church Sunday Sermons Spiritual Practices for Imbolc It's the beginning of February. Which, for those of us living in the northern hemisphere, means we've reached the middle of winter. And this means: SPRING IS COMING!! In the Celtic Wheel of the Year we call this moment Imbolc and celebrate the earth's awakening. The sun is returning and the days are growing longer. If you listen closely you might hear a bit more birdsong. And if you look for them, you might discover tiny buds on the bushes and trees.  This is a potent time, full ... (Continue Reading)

By |2020-02-01T22:22:53-08:00February 1st, 2020|Imbolc, Yoga Church Sunday Sermons|2 Comments
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