yoga is so much more than postures.
come explore with me.

Yoga is a transformational life practice. Yoga—when understood in its fullness—is a practice that supports us on every level of our being and through every moment of our lives. The practice of yoga helps us understand, examine, and transform our body, breath, senses, thoughts, emotions, behavior, relationships, habits, and belief systems.

I’m a Quaker minister, viniyoga teacher, and yoga therapist. I weave together ancient teachings from the East and West: the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the Bhagavad Gita, the Upanishads, the Hebrew and Christian Bible, and the Quaker traditions of peace and simplicity. I’m not interested in dogma or right belief. I’m interested in spiritual seeking and intentional living. I’m interested in spiritual practices that support the tasks of our everyday living and call us to ask deeper questions about life and love and mystery.

Spirituality is part of what it means to be human. We were born and we will die. Inherent in this knowledge is both hope and fear. Spiritual practice is the act of walking the path between birth and death with awareness, intention, and a receptivity to mystery.

Human beings desire meaning and purpose. We hunger for tools that help us deal with the complicated emotions of modern life (anxiety, stress, grief, fear). We yearn for meaningful ways to express joy and mark important milestones.

I look out into the world and see spiritually hungry people. People for whom traditional forms of church can’t or don’t feed their hunger. People hungry for spiritual practices and traditions that nourish rather than stress the soul. Practices that allow for vulnerability and questioning. Practices that allow for—and in fact demand—a love of spirit and body.

Whether you belong to a particular faith tradition or consider yourself an atheist, whether you’re unchurched or under-churched, I am here to support you with teachings and practices designed to inspire a sense of awe in your life and help you live with intention.

We become who we practice becoming. And as a minister and yoga teacher, it is my desire to teach you how to practice in such a way that you become the person you were born to be.

Yoga is so much more than postures.

Come explore the transformational “more” with me.

a year long immersion course

starts 01/19 – apply now

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“Summer is an amazing teacher. She is wise, patient, and understanding. Working with her changed my perspective on myself, my approach to life, and my view of the universe. She introduced me to the true principles of yoga. I am eternally grateful for having had the opportunity to work with Summer.” -MZ

“Summer was the teacher that allowed me to experience the true essence of how yoga can heal and transform you. I am much more comfortable choosing practices that are appropriate for my life and needs instead of being concerned with external expectations.” -BK