fall equinox

Spiritual Practices for the Fall Equinox

Welcome to the Yoga Church Sunday Sermons Spiritual Practices for the Fall Equinox A few years ago I asked my students to share something about how this time of year makes them feel. Several people expressed how much they love the fall. They were excited about sweaters and warm soup. But one woman raised her hand and exclaimed: "All I can think about is compost." Yes! As British author and teacher Jilly Shipway writes: At the autumn equinox there is a shift of emphasis from sun to moon, light to dark, action to contemplation, growth to dormancy, fruitfulness to ... (Continue Reading)

By |2021-09-17T18:14:36-07:00September 22nd, 2019|Autumn, Yoga Church Sunday Sermons|6 Comments

Keeping Time (fall equinox part 2)

As promised, here’s part 2 of the fall equinox sermon. Last week we rooted ourselves on the ground. And this week we explore the practice of keeping time. One of the ways we mark time at our house is by greeting every new season with a morning fire. We take a moment out of regular life to pause and notice the energetic shifts happening in the natural world and to notice how these shifts are showing up in our own lives. We reflect on the intentions of the past season and set new intentions for the months ahead. ... (Continue Reading)

the Ground of all Being (fall equinox part 1)

Yesterday—in the northern hemisphere where I live—was the fall equinox and it was my full intention to offer you a sermon in celebration of the season change. But when I sat down to write, something else entirely poured out of me... The fall equinox feels like a very earthy thing and apparently something inside of me needed to root us on the ground before I could actually begin writing about the season change. So you're getting the fall equinox sermon in two parts over two weeks. The Ground of all Being (fall equinox part 1) ... (Continue Reading)

Reflections for the Autumn Equinox (2015)

The autumn season is officially upon us. Time to start wearing scarves and drinking more hot tea. The equinox is the time when the sun crosses the plane of the earth's equator (referred to as the celestial equator), making night and day approximately equal in length all over the planet. Today we will have the same amount of light and dark. From this day of balance, we will begin to slowly move toward more darkness than light. I always enjoy the changing of the seasons. The change provides us with a moment to pause and reflect every few months. Please enjoy ... (Continue Reading)

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