Light Within

Finding Refuge

Welcome to the Yoga Church Sunday Sermons JOIN US for the online Yoga Church Sunday Gathering. Click here for the details. HERE I AM. Take a breath and say it to yourself: Here I am. What's happening in your life right now? Take another breath and let's say it together: Here we are. HERE WE ARE. The Yoga Church has a clear mission... Through the ancient wisdom of yoga we're trying to connect with Divine Mystery (however we understand it) and learn to love ourselves, our communities, ... (Continue Reading)

By |2023-04-07T08:17:22-07:00November 13th, 2020|Yoga Church Sunday Sermons|3 Comments

Early Winter Part 3: Finding Refuge

Welcome to the Yoga Church Sunday Sermons Early Winter 2020 | Opening to Mystery Our sermon this week explores some common themes of the yoga church: How do we root our identity in something deeper than the always shifting nature of life? How do we find refuge and comfort in a world that can't offer absolute security? If you struggle at all with perfectionism or anxiety, please watch this sermon. It ends with a poem by Rainer Maria Rilke and I got this message from one of the women on our film crew: "I have to tell you, I WEPT ... (Continue Reading)

By |2020-11-13T15:25:27-08:00January 12th, 2020|Winter, Yoga Church Sunday Sermons|0 Comments

Early Autumn Part 3: Turning Toward the Light

Last week (click here if you missed part 2) we talked about identity and explored what it means to live in connection with the Eternal in the midst of everyday life. I ended the sermon with a short practice: Slow down. Turn inward. Be still. And listen. In this week's sermon we dive more deeply into what this practice actually looks like. And we explore how we can work to stay rooted in the Light Within rather than remaining constantly caught up in our attachments... This sermon points to the reason we often feel stuck and anxious, so please, do your ... (Continue Reading)

By |2021-09-23T17:59:39-07:00October 13th, 2019|Autumn, Yoga Church Sunday Sermons|0 Comments
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