
Late Autumn Part 3: The Kind of Person I Am

Welcome to the Yoga Church Sunday Sermons Late Autumn 2019 | Exploring Darkness You've heard me say it before... The Yoga Church has two goals. It's my hope that together we can: Connect with Divine Mystery (however we understand it), And through this connection, learn to love better. These are beautiful goals. But I'm not interested in simply saying pretty things. I'm serious. My inner yearning for the Mystery of God is a yearning for compassion and justice and love. So I ask, how do we learn to love better? How do we actually practice loving ourselves, our communities, and ... (Continue Reading)

By |2019-12-13T11:55:06-08:00November 24th, 2019|Samhain, Yoga Church Sunday Sermons|1 Comment

Early Autumn Part 3: Turning Toward the Light

Last week (click here if you missed part 2) we talked about identity and explored what it means to live in connection with the Eternal in the midst of everyday life. I ended the sermon with a short practice: Slow down. Turn inward. Be still. And listen. In this week's sermon we dive more deeply into what this practice actually looks like. And we explore how we can work to stay rooted in the Light Within rather than remaining constantly caught up in our attachments... This sermon points to the reason we often feel stuck and anxious, so please, do your ... (Continue Reading)

By |2021-09-23T17:59:39-07:00October 13th, 2019|Autumn, Yoga Church Sunday Sermons|0 Comments

Transformation Begins with Deep Noticing

This week, we turn our attention toward the idea of transformation. All sermons include something of the preacher in them, but this one asked a bit more of me than usual. In my personal practice the last few years I've been working to become more comfortable with the reality of vulnerability (I call it a reality because even though many of us do our best to be invulnerable, we will always fail). So this week I share some of my own transformation with you. I share it because transformation isn't always easy or pretty. But, like vulnerability, it's ... (Continue Reading)

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